MolRas66 Might see where qubes is these days with windows in a HVM for if it's required. I'm not knowledgeable enough to assess the relative security vs security theatre of qubes but I have some faith in the developers.
QubesOS is a mature, very secure, platform. Sadly, current support for Windows is lacking, but Windows is still perfectly functional; it's just not as well integrated (ex.: you may not be able to use USB devices in Windows qubes, and instead have to manually copy). Frankly, I stopped using Windows 3 years ago and haven't looked back except for a few things I literally cannot do elsewhere (ex.: work/school apps). And the longer I stay away from Windows the more I despise it and loathe the time I have to spend on it.
Anyways, sorry about the rant. TL;DR Qubes is great and just about the best security you can get these days when used correctly.