Hi there folks!

So, about a week ago, my selfie cam, which I use to record videos to post, started crashing the "camera" app every time I switch to it.

I know it's not the hardware, as Telegram & Signal have no problem whatsoever using that same camera to record videos.

I've checked through what I could find online and what potential fixes would be with no luck... Do I just have to factory reset and hope that fixes it?

I know it's not the hardware, as Telegram & Signal have no problem whatsoever using that same camera to record videos.

That doesn't assure that it's not caused by the hardware. There are no ongoing changes for the Pixel 4 XL beyond security backports and it has been almost a month since the last one. It wasn't caused by an OS update.

Well dang, was hoping maybe there was a fix.

Seems improbable that it's hardware given every app except the actual "camera" app accesses it just fine. No problem recording video or taking a picture with it anywhere else, but in Camera it immediately crashes and says to reboot my device as soon as I tell it to flip from back (multi-lens) cam to front (selfie) cam.

  • de0u replied to this.

    privacydude420 Seems improbable that it's hardware given every app except the actual "camera" app accesses it just fine.

    I think we get essentially this question every six months or so.

    Different camera apps use different hardware features (resolution, speed, focus, etc.), so it is possible for some apps to work when a camera has a hardware issue.

    To investigate whether it's a hardware problem, the steps would arguably be:

    • factory reset (wipes all data, so inconvenient)
    • if problem persists, flash to Google's OS for several days,
    • if problem is gone, try GrapheneOS again

    I don't think anybody has ever gone through those steps and reported that the problem is observed only in GrapheneOS, even after a factory reset.

    When hardware goes bad, by definition it does not behave in a logical fashion, so observations are likely to seem improbable.

    So... Yesterday my phone prompted me to update the camera, and now it's working just fine.

    • de0u replied to this.

      privacydude420 That's good news, and hopefully it will keep working.

      If it works for a couple of days and fails again, though, that could be consistent with a hardware issue.

      Good luck!