I have a 4a 5g GOS phone Ive been using for about 3.5 years. I recently switched from T Mobile to Verizon, after which activating bluetooth triggered a bunch of error messages and doesnt work, and wifi stopped working altogether. The phone still works, although the screen turns pink when I initiate or accept a call (wtf?).

Thinking that maybe the remote programming of the eSIM might have been corrupt, I went to a Verizon store and had the configuration redone. No luck. I was told that older unlocked phones may not necessarily enable all functions between carriers - ie my Bluetooth and wifi wont work on Verizon network. I have questions that I hope someone can answer:

  1. Is that true? Are certain cell phone functions besides calling limited between carriers on older phones?
  2. Or, is this just a coincidence and a recent GOS update is not compatible with my old 4a 5g?
  3. Or, for whaterver reason, has my GOS installation been corrupted and needs to be reinstalled? (If so, how would I go about that?)
  4. Or, is the phone just old and tired and i need a new one?
  5. Finally, if I need a new phone, I would like to back up my current setup and install into the new phone. Is there a guide for this process? I have read mixed reviews of Seedvault, is there a best way?

Thanks in advance :)

BTW - once installed, GOS worked great until now, definitely more secure and less intrusive than my wifes Iphone.


  • de0u replied to this.

    Gman62 I recently switched from T Mobile to Verizon, after which activating bluetooth triggered a bunch of error messages and doesnt work, and wifi stopped working altogether.

    What are the error messages?

    The phone still works, although the screen turns pink when I initiate or accept a call (wtf?).

    Depending on exactly what you are seeing, that might be just your "SIM color" (that's a thing): Settings, Network & internet, SIMs, tap on "Verizon", tap on the little pen icon at the upper right of the screen.

    If that's not the cause of the pinkness, maybe share a picture taken by some other device?

    thanks for the quick reply. Pink screen is gone!

    Below are the Bluetooth error messages, I get a 3 to 4 of these, I think they are all the same.

    Thanks again for your help.

    type: crash
    osVersion: google/bramble/bramble:14/UP1A.231105.001.B2/2024072800:user/release-keys
    uid: 1002 (u:r:bluetooth:s0)
    cmdline: com.android.bluetooth
    processUptime: 0s

    abortMessage: assertion 'init_status == std::future_status::ready' failed - Can't start stack, last instance: starting HciHalHidl

    signal: 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE)
    threadName: bt_stack_manage

    /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (abort+164, pc 64a24)
    /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Runtime::Abort(char const)+88, pc 9056a8)
    /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libbase.so (android::base::SetAborter(std::1::function<void (char const
    )>&&)::$_0::invoke(char const)+80, pc 17ca0)
    /system/lib64/liblog.so (android_log_assert+292, pc 7014)
    /apex/com.android.btservices/lib64/libbluetooth_jni.so (bluetooth::StackManager::StartUp(bluetooth::ModuleList
    , bluetooth::os::Thread)+712, pc 5ef8e8)
    /apex/com.android.btservices/lib64/libbluetooth_jni.so (bluetooth::shim::Stack::Start(bluetooth::ModuleList
    )+192, pc 3ed630)
    /apex/com.android.btservices/lib64/libbluetooth_jni.so (bluetooth::shim::Stack::StartEverything()+980, pc 3ed404)
    /apex/com.android.btservices/lib64/libbluetooth_jni.so (ShimModuleStartUp()+124, pc 4052fc)
    /apex/com.android.btservices/lib64/libbluetooth_jni.so (module_start_up(module_t const)+216, pc 9429f8)
    /apex/com.android.btservices/lib64/libbluetooth_jni.so (init_stack_internal(bluetooth::core::CoreInterface
    )+72, pc 941918)
    /apex/com.android.btservices/lib64/libbluetooth_jni.so (event_init_stack(std::
    1::promise<void>, bluetooth::core::CoreInterface)+176, pc 9417b0)
    /apex/com.android.btservices/lib64/libbluetooth_jni.so (base::internal::Invoker<base::internal::BindState<void (
    )(std::1::promise<void>, bluetooth::core::CoreInterface), std::1::promise<void>, base::internal::UnretainedWrapper<bluetooth::core::CoreInterface> >, void ()>::RunOnce(base::internal::BindStateBase)+52, pc 941854)
    /apex/com.android.btservices/lib64/libbluetooth_jni.so (base::debug::TaskAnnotator::RunTask(char const, base::PendingTask)+196, pc aaf314)
    /apex/com.android.btservices/lib64/libbluetooth_jni.so (base::MessageLoop::RunTask(base::PendingTask)+360, pc aae858)
    /apex/com.android.btservices/lib64/libbluetooth_jni.so (base::MessageLoop::DoWork()+460, pc aaeb7c)
    /apex/com.android.btservices/lib64/libbluetooth_jni.so (base::MessagePumpDefault::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate
    )+100, pc ab1124)
    /apex/com.android.btservices/lib64/libbluetooth_jni.so (base::RunLoop::Run()+64, pc abd660)
    /apex/com.android.btservices/lib64/libbluetooth_jni.so (bluetooth::common::MessageLoopThread::Run(std::1::promise<void>)+336, pc 9d20f0)
    /apex/com.android.btservices/lib64/libbluetooth_jni.so (bluetooth::common::MessageLoopThread::RunThread(bluetooth::common::MessageLoopThread, std::
    1::promise<void>)+48, pc 9d1bb0)
    /apex/com.android.btservices/lib64/libbluetooth_jni.so (void
    std::1::thread_proxy<std::1::tuple<std::1::unique_ptr<std::1::thread_struct, std::1::default_delete<std::1::thread_struct> >, void ()(bluetooth::common::MessageLoopThread, std::1::promise<void>), bluetooth::common::MessageLoopThread, std::1::promise<void> > >(void)+84, pc 9d2704)
    /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (
    pthread_start(void*)+204, pc 767ac)
    /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64, pc 67d50)

    • de0u replied to this.

      Gman62 Below are the Bluetooth error messages, I get a 3 to 4 of these, I think they are all the same.

      I am not an expert, but that crash looks consistent with a Bluetooth hardware failure (which is consistent with the age of the device). Perhaps an expert will weigh in. Meanwhile, I suggest collecting two more crashes and checking whether they are the same (at least whether the "abortMessage" is the same). If not, post any that are different.

      Thanks again de0u,
      can you direct me to a good guide for backing up an old phone into a new phone?

      • de0u replied to this.

        Gman62 Can you direct me to a good guide for backing up an old phone into a new phone?

        I wish!

        My understanding of the situation at present is that GrapheneOS ships SeedVault, even though it has lots of issues, because there isn't a good backup system for (non-rooted) Android, except arguably for Google's cloud backup system, but that's proprietary to Google.

        Some people report that enabling "device to device" backups in SeedVault helps, but ... well, the last time I tried to do a SeedVault backup (last night) it skipped backing up 75% of my stuff, without any indication of why. The last time I tried to restore a SeedVault backup, some things came back, but not everything, and again there was no indication of why. Sometimes wiping out Seedvault's old state makes it work better for a while... some people report that running SeedVault backups to internal storage and then copying the directory to external storage works better than running backups to external storage... overall, the situation is far from perfect.

        Some apps have a way to export/import their state; some apps have a way to synch their state to some cloud service. Some people go through Settings and take screen shots of everything.

        So, I buy a new phone, load GOS, and reload all of my aps etc. manually? Ugh.

        Seems like GrapheneOS has been around long enough that many will be switching phones by necessity now - a reliable backup / install feature should be moved closer to the top of the list........

          Gman62 Seems like GrapheneOS has been around long enough that many will be switching phones by necessity now - a reliable backup / install feature should be moved closer to the top of the list........

          I cannot disagree.


          A new phone is on its way. I will try and use Seedvault to restore my old setup on it but I am not optimistic. I have found only one contributor on this forum who has had success with it. Even the GOS team is critical of its functionality. But I will try.
