

Every time I go backpacking I switch to airplane mode, because most of the time I don't even get signal. If I do just a few photos for whole day I will loose about 5% battery. I stopped taking power bank with me.

matchboxbananasynergy If you're running sandboxed Google Play and get this kind of battery life, that's pretty impressive. :)

I noticed the improvement with battery as well. My phone usually lasts around 3 days. Last time I checked it had exactly 10h screen on time (and 1% to spare:-) )
I installed circa 20-25 apps and I do not have many of them running in background. With Google play services the battery lasts for me almost the same and sometimes better than without them.

For me the problem with battery without using Play services caused Signal. I even tried Molly, but it didn't help. With Play services this drain never happened.
The second thing that affected battery in my case was 5G. I move a lot between places where there is a weak 5G signal and it affected battery strongly. I switched to LTE and since then the battery is as I described above.
I have a 6a.

Okay so she's getting low now, 23%, will probably be good for another night, then I will charge her up :)


I am down to 50% and I charged three days ago. Depending on my use I get usually around 3-4 days of use out of my phone. Sometimes a little more sometimes a little less. Its really great :-)

NXG-3D yes, according to many experts who have tested this a lot, the best for lithium batteries longevity is to always keep them within 20% and 80%. With smaller incremental charges being the best.

Between 0 to 20%, and 80 to 100% is where the battery ages the fastest (physical damage/alteration).

Letting the battery drop down to 0% is the absolute worst. And always charging it to 100% is bad as well.

Charges to 100% should ideally only be for the special cases when you know you will need it.

The settings toggle to limit the charge to 80 or 85% is one of the features GOS is still missing compared to the major brand phones.

  • zzz replied to this.


    according to many experts who have tested this a lot

    Could you link a source?
    I'm curious to learn more details about the methodology.

      Hat Yes, WIfi is on, Bluetooth is on, phone is connected to Ubiquity AP6, and Bluetooth is always connected to my Watch6.

      • Hat likes this.

      yore I use a hotspot when I'm off of my wifi, I have never used a SIM with my Pixel. I get a good 2 days from my battery.

      For me, sometimes is good, sometimes is bad. And I believe it has something to do with the Play Services version. Currently, I'm also pretty happy with the battery life since GrapheneOS 2024071600 and I don't recall any GPServices updates after 2024-07-16.