GrapheneGoat As someone who listened to this advice when I first started, i strongly recommend not doing that. At the very least, if you're going to dive in head first and learn as you go, you should do everything on secondary profiles from the get go while keeping the original owner profile clean.
You can delete a non-owner profile in seconds and start over. Meanwhile, if you need a fresh start on the owner profile, you have to do a full system wipe of the phone. It's best to avoid using the owner to avoid that from happening until you have more confidence - though some recommend always keeping a blank owner profile for other reasons.
Sticking to secondary profiles will allow you to maintain at least one functional profile at all times while you experiment and rearrange things in other profiles, so you'll never have to go without a working phone.
I wish this was explained to me when I first started instead of the usual advice of people trying to talk beginners out of multiple profiles fearing it would overwhelm them and cause them to revert back to stock. From experience, having to wipe the phone and go without working phone while your family yells at you for letting this "privacy hobby" get in the way of more important things....that's how you push someome back to stock.