Can confirm this also happens after locking and unlocking the screen.


My Pixel 6 stays black so far. No I don' t wanna test switching at the moment.

  • xxx replied to this.

    Nice find. I confirm that dark theme stays once you disable the scheduler. Thank you.


    Follow up: to help manual switching works on P6.

    Phone Services gave me a notification error after installing the update.

    "Couldn't set up Wifi calling. Ask your carrier to turn on the service and try again. TMobile error code REG09 - Missing 911 address." To update visit the link"

      After the update from 2024062000 to 2024062700 on a Pixel 6a and on boot, I got this:

      type: crash
      osVersion: google/bluejay/bluejay:14/AP2A.240605.024/2024062700:user/release-keys
      uid: 0 (u:r:twoshay:s0)
      cmdline: /vendor/bin/twoshay -s
      processUptime: 0s
      abortMessage: F0000 00:00:1719643351.694834    1776] Check failed: ms_frame != nullptr 
      signal: 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE)
      threadName: binder:1375_2
          /apex/ (abort+164, pc 64a24)
          /vendor/lib64/ (pc bff9c)
          /vendor/lib64/ (pc c02a8)
          /vendor/lib64/ (pc c0068)
          /vendor/lib64/ (pc bfee0)
          /vendor/lib64/ (pc c02f8)
          /vendor/lib64/ (pc 60e14)
          /vendor/bin/twoshay (TouchflowAlgorithm::processFrame(TouchOffloadFrame&)+1556, pc 262ea4)
          /vendor/bin/twoshay (TwoshayPipelineConfig::streamThread(int)+788, pc 278154)
          /vendor/bin/twoshay (void* std::__1::__thread_proxy<std::__1::tuple<std::__1::unique_ptr<std::__1::__thread_struct, std::__1::default_delete<std::__1::__thread_struct> >, int (TwoshayPipelineConfig::*)(int), TwoshayPipelineConfig*, int> >(void*)+88, pc 27a7b8)
          /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+204, pc 7679c)
          /apex/ (__start_thread+64, pc 67d50)

        Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a, Pixel Tablet, Pixel Fold: fully remove 32-bit ARM support to significantly reduce build time and update download size with no loss of functionality (7th gen Pixels launched with 32-bit app support disabled after several years of the Play Store blocking uploading 32-bit-only apps or installing them on 64-bit devices, and 8th gen Pixels use 2nd gen ARMv9 cores with no 32-bit support)

        Short build time noted on Pixel 7, great stuff!

          treequell This time on Pixel 7 Pro the update only took a minute usually it takes around 10 minutes or more. It has been very much improved.