Vanadium version 126.0.6478.50.1 released:
See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release and a link to the full changelog.
Vanadium version 126.0.6478.50.1 released:
See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release and a link to the full changelog.
Just try to update but in alpha Version oft graphene not possible to update Vanadium ?
Unable to download Trichrome Library, Vanadium.
Details: app.vanadium.trichromelibrary: base.apk is not a static shared library
phone-company It's because you're on the QPR3 alpha. Known issue, will be addressed with an new OS update.
I'm feeling like a total beginner :) so many questions
Hi -- also having trouble.
I am trying to update Vanadium right now and the Trichrome Library update is lagging -- crazy slow. Should I/can I switch VPN server location to speed it up? Is that possibly the issue? (In general can I switch VPN server locations during an update?)
I see above there is a known issue for this library. Should I cancel my Trichrome Library update or let it slog on? Please advise.
OK so I have to wait for the next OS release or change the Vandium channel?
xxx If you're on the QPR3 alpha release, you need to wait for the next OS release, which is coming very soon (building as we speak).