Accrescent has auto-updates enabled for itself and afaik there is no option to ignore updates for a specific app.

How will GrapheneOS deal with this when Accrescent is added? Will it be the same situation as Sandboxed Google Play where both the Apps client and the Play Store can update the components?

In that case, which update method would be recommended to use?

    duck1 I think it's too early to say. I don't know of any special plans/arrangements. I think they're just adding the app to GrapheneOS's Apps app. After installing, it might just be better to let Accrescent update itself and any other apps you have installed via Accrescent, but it wouldn't matter if Accrescent is updated via GrapheneOS's Apps app.

    Being installed by Apps doesnt mean you can't then let the app handle its own updates. Play Services and Play Store are installed via Apps, but letting Play Store handle self-updating is fine and even recommended.

    I guess Graphene could edit and make their own build of Accrescent to disable self-updates, and only serve updates through Apps, but that would be counterproductive because you'll get faster updates from the developer themselves, and dealing with building and publishing updates themselves is work for Graphene that isn't really needed.

    a month later

    Graphene1 I received the update today and it is in the Application now.
    Anyone know why this app was added?
    I never heard of it before today.