Hello devs,
I am very thankful for the duress pin feature that just launched. It is obvious that a lot of time and care went into making sure the feature actually work as intended. thanks again for all the hard work.
with that said, i would like to make a suggestion:
the current feature disables the entire phone. this does not give you any plausible deniability. if you are a journalist with damaging information on a particular nation, it would be obvious to an adversary that you deleted evidence.
is it possible for this feature to have more granulated control, allowing you to choose what gets deleted when the duress pin is entered? it would be very helpful if you could select certain users while leaving the admin user untouched.
this would allow you to keep all sensitive information in a particular user, and covertly wipe all that information without making it obvious that you deleted information.
thanks again for all the hard work!!