Hi everyone,

I'm just wondering what the menu point "Install app" (or something similiar, I'm not using the english configuration) is really doing and why it seems to depend on the website I'm currently visiting whether is displayed at all.

An example where "Install app" is shown is instagram.com.
duckduckgo.com on the other hand just shows "Add to homescreen".

Why is there that difference and what exactly is the technical difference between these two possibilities?
I like how I can use Instagram this way because it looks like a fullscreen webview of instagram without the Vanadium menues anywhere on the screen.
I assume, this Vanadium is also isolated from all the other instances but I can't assure it.

Why is this point not available for every website?
If I create a link on my homescreen for duckduckgo.com, clicking it just opens another tab in my "default" Vanadium instance.
I'd like to use this "Install app" kind of feeling and behaviour for more than just instagram, so why is it not available on several websites?

Kind regards

    rndmE I'm just wondering what the menu point "Install app" (or something similiar, I'm not using the english configuration) is really doing and why it seems to depend on the website I'm currently visiting whether is displayed at all.

    It depends entirely on if the particular website offers a web app or not. If they don't have one, then it's just a shortcut/link to the regular web page that's displayed in a browser as normal.