Any Better suggestions for an sms messenger app?
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I am happy with Gboard without permissions
Other than that I use Google Messages, permissions here are a different topic.
Probably will work without Network, I have it activated because of RCS Chats
Did you try Fossify SMS?
SoulKeeper do you think its reliable?
I would like to replace the default sms app but im afraid of it mishandling the send/receive and not send or receive messages. Do you know anything about its reliability?
Also I really need an app that allows you to select multiple messages in a conversation and delete only those messages. Anyone know of an app that does that?
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QUIK SMS is the continuation of QKSMS and is the best ive used and is foss.
Fossify/simple mobile tools sms is pretty good if youre not in any group conversations, but any group conversation will cause fossify to have a stroke from what I remember so youre better sticking with quik or the builtin one imo.
Yes, I can confirm group messaging is completely broken on fossify sms.
router99 it might be because the grapheneos messaging app has been slightly tweaked from the AOSP one witch has not had updates for a long time
By the way, I have just tried Quik and found that it does not work in the secondary profile. Default messaging app does.
tjk I switched to QUiK and like it a lot.