• General
  • Graphene OS intermittently fails to ring for incoming calls

Ducter T-Mobile is my carrier [...]

I think T-Mobile operates in multiple countries, and their network may not work precisely the same way everywhere inside a single country.

Ducter Wi-Fi calling on or off [makes] no difference [...]

SIM or eSIM? Preferred network type? Battery saver? "Do not disturb"?

I think it is important to understand that, while some users are experiencing this problem, many many many many users are not. Thus the difference between experiencing it and not experiencing it is likely to depend on details, potentially the alignment of multiple details. It seems unlikely to be affecting all T-Mobile users throughout the countries served by T-Mobile. Obviously it is up to each person to decide what to disclose, but a report limited to "T-Mobile, independent of Wi-Fi calling" may not shed much light on the situation.

    de0u fair enough.
    Pixel 8 pro
    T-Mobile US
    Traditional SIM card
    Preferred network, tried them all.
    Battery saver off
    Do not disturb off
    Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi calling on and off
    Default phone app.
    My son has the same phone, carrier etc he's been on graphene since basically phone release as graphene came out pretty quickly and does not have the issue. When you install graphene what, if any part of the original os remains? Curious if something changed with Google's updates and android versions that remains, causes the underlying issue.

    • de0u replied to this.

      Ducter My son has the same phone, carrier etc he's been on graphene since basically phone release as graphene came out pretty quickly and does not have the issue.

      This information is potentially quite useful!

      Is his SIM card maybe newer than yours? This is one of the many things that should not matter but sometimes does.

        de0u mine is newer, I had to get a new one last year, went from esim back to traditional. He is using traditional as well.

        • de0u replied to this.

          I'm currently on build 2024061400. I am still having the problem with calls going directly to voicemail and delayed SMS messages. Toggling Aeroplane mode seems to temporarily fix it.

          Pixel 7
          Kogan NZ (One NZ MVNO)
          Traditional SIM card
          4G and 5G
          VoLTE on
          Battery saver off
          Do not disturb off
          Wi-Fi on
          Wi-Fi calling off
          Default phone app.

          Ducter What happens if the two of you swap SIM cards temporarily?

            de0u that's av idea. When I get enough time to reflash graphene on my phone I'll give that a go. It takes me a good couple hours to flash Google stock, flash graphene then flash Google stock again to finally flash lineage and get it set up again which is what I've been using in place of graphene.

            • de0u replied to this.

              Ducter It takes me a good couple hours to flash Google stock, flash graphene then flash Google stock again to finally flash lineage and get it set up again which is what I've been using in place of graphene.

              Would it be possible to just swap the SIM cards for a few minutes?

                de0u yeah, I could try my SIM in his known working phone, at least that would help in determining if its SIM related.

                  Ducter I could try my SIM in his known working phone, at least that would help in determining if its SIM related.

                  I would swap both, and try calls from a third phone.

                    I'm on the current build 2024061400.
                    Pixel 8
                    Proximus (Belgian network)
                    Traditional SIM card
                    4G and 5G
                    VoLTE on
                    Battery saver off
                    Do not disturb off
                    Wi-Fi on
                    Wi-Fi calling on (mobile network prefered)
                    Default phone app.

                    It happened before the update 2024060500 and after, with or without the original phone app.

                    I have the log around the time it recieved the call and no ringing nor vibrating. Is it usefull to someone, or should I just wait for an update from GOS or Google ?

                    Thank you

                    de0u my phone is currently running lineage, everything works as expected as it does with stock Google. Swapping my SIM into his phone running graphene would help illuminate the SIM being an issue or would point more towards it being an issue. Swapping his into mine I don't know what that would tell us as I'd assume it to work fine. If I'm mistaken, please enlighten me. The issue is with graphene only in my testing but if its build related, an unaddressed upstream change or somehow incompatibility issues with certain SIM cards across various providers I do not know.

                      Ducter my SIM in my sons phone running graphene works fine in a brief testing period. Put my SIM in and called the phone from several different phones on different carriers and the phone rang every time. I now believe the issue to be graphene itself as my phone running stock Google, lineage and calyx works as it should, only fails on graphene.

                      I know this is a question that likely won't get an answer because likely not readily known but how many graphene devs are testing coming from the latest Google firmware? I've seen mention several times of blame being put on upstream changes, wouldn't that directly impact the other said operating systems? I know at least lineage and stock are up to date on versions and patches, if they changed whatever code to fix the issue should graphene not do the same? Lineage stopped releases for several weeks to rebase and get things sorted, clearly they knew, found, fixed issues.

                      What makes you think it is impossible to troubleshoot? I think the case is rather simple: As soon as you get the missed call SMS you have two informations:

                      1. timestamp of the SMS. This is the time when the phone is back online again. Which event caused the phone to come back online exactly at this time?
                      2. time of the call. What happened internally in the phone at the time of calling? In which state was the radio module at the time of the call?

                      I am no specialist so not able to read the internal logs. But I am sure this can be narrowed down. Maybe it is necessary to increase the verbose level if the default is not detailed enough.
                      In my case I see three calls to voicebox:

                      1. Time of call: 26th Jan. 18:25, time of SMS 18:40
                      2. Time of call: 26th Jan. 18:37 time of SMS 18:40
                      3. Time of call: 12th June 19:52, time of SMS 20:04
                      7 days later

                      Same issue
                      Country: Norway
                      Carrier: Telia MVNO
                      Pixel 7a
                      Physical SIM
                      Wifi calling off
                      Network selection doesn’t matter
                      Stock dialer and Google dialer, doesn’t matter.

                      Started sometime this spring. I’ve given up and switched to an iPhone for now, I cannot use the phone if I’m not getting calls.

                      This might be unrelated, but I’ve also noticed several times when starting a call that the recipient cannot hear me at all, as if I have muted on my end.


                        I've done the same, switching to iPhone temporarily.

                        Not sure if this is graphene specific, I don't believe it is but rather is a pixel related issue, but the phone ringing when a call comes in is kind of non-negotiable...

                        • Build number - 2024062000
                        • Country - Redmond, WA; USA
                        • Carrier - Q-Link Wireless
                        • SIM or eSIM - Physical SIM
                        • Is Wi-Fi calling on or off? - ON (I will test with it turned off)
                        • WiFi - ON
                        • VPN provider (or "none") - Proton VPN
                        • Preferred network type - Mobile data ON; Roaming ON; VoLTE ON
                        • Battery saver on or off - OFF
                        • "Do not disturb" on or off - OFF
                        • Phone app - DEFAULT

                        To my knowledge, this has happened twice:

                        • June 25, 2024
                        • June 26, 2024

                        I have received two phone calls that did not ring. ADDITIONALLY, there is no record of a voicemail being left, in spite of the fact that both people did leave a voicemail (they also sent me an email). This is happening randomly for me, as other phone calls (after the missed ones) are coming thru just fine.

                        One of the calls was for a job interview.


                          For a job interview, jeez. Hopefully you were able to get back to them in a timely fashion, that is unfortunate.

                          Carlito ADDITIONALLY, there is no record of a voicemail being left, in spite of the fact that both people did leave a voicemail (they also sent me an email).

                          To be clear, if you manually dial the carrier's voicemail number, is the voicemail present? If so, that would suggest that the carrier's message to the phone to turn on the voicemail indicator was lost (perhaps the same way that the call was).

                          Can we get a comment from any of the graphene devs that might offer some insight? I'm willing to reflash yet again if a log or something would be of assistance. My phone does not ring at all when testing with family.