Gianca Did you enable the toggle for this in the Settings > Apps > Sandboxed Google Play > Android Auto configuration?
Request for testing and feedback with Bluetooth on Android 14 QPR2 GrapheneOS
We have a new release which will reach the Alpha channel soon with a potential workaround for any issues not occurring on the stock OS. Anything that broke on the stock OS with Android 14 QPR2 will remain broken on GrapheneOS, which will mostly be very old insecure devices.
It would be helpful if people switched to the alpha channel and got this release (it will be avialable shortly there) and reported their findings.
matchboxbananasynergy Is it possible to switch back? I'd happily do it, but I don't want to be on Alpha forever.
xaz2fiaghi You can switch to the alpha channel, download the update (now in alpha), and then immediately switch to the stable channel, so that you will only get the next update when it reaches the stable channel. You can switch whenever you wish.
All releases go through the alpha, beta and finally stable channel.
The new release is in the Alpha channel now.
Thanks. Just updated to new alpha version, went to Apps / See all / Show system / Bluetooth / Hardened memory allocator, and switched it to Disabled. Rebooted. Unfortunately, it still no longer connects to my OBDLink LX car adapter.
Maybe others will have better luck with this temp fix though?
snackguy That might be a case that's also broken on stock OS. Unclear at this point. They made many Bluetooth changes in QPR2 which is the source of all these issues. Some of them cause breakage with stock OS and GrapheneOS. Some are memory corruption bugs which may mostly not break it on stock OS but get detected / uncovered by our security features which leads to them causing more breakage on GrapheneOS. These temporary changes SHOULD eliminate nearly all the extra breakage on GrapheneOS but it remains to be seen. If it doesn't help with anything, that's somewhat good news in a way because we can add back the hardening but it's bad news in that we need to go back to the drawing board with trying to figure out what broke and why.
I also had no luck with the new release and my Galaxy Watch5 Pro ...
tower That's also after disabling hardened_malloc for the bluetooth app and rebooting?
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Thank you. It would be good to have more confirmation from others in this thread facing issues, along with the device being tested.
It is also important to mention which Pixel is being tested.
matchboxbananasynergy Sorry, I forgot, I have a Pixel8
We need confirmation on whether there are still issues with Galaxy Watch on 6th/7th generation Pixels.
GrapheneOS yes I toggled this settings
As a sanity check for those with the issue, please try going to System > Reset > Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth reset and try it again and let us know if that changes anything. Thank you all!
matchboxbananasynergy I had just tried that too, but unfortunately no success.
A reconnect is not possible.
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Just tested with
- Google Pixel 6 Pro
- Samsung Galaxy 5 Pro
Result: NOK / KO
Notes: Issue persists. The behavior did not change at all. Repetetively the connection switches fast between devices and saved devices. Installed BETA, Rebooted, Application alignment started (took quite a while, same as with the first STABLE version which caused the issues. That was also not the case for my device before), Rebooted again. Issue persists.
Remarks: It would be nice if the Devs could give more detailled information to us how to track the issue down. Which logs you need, what we can test for you on our side. Surely with the view on our data protection. As not every normal non tech user understands if he reveals sensitive private data with providing the logs.
Remarks_2: As I need a stable phone, and thats definitively the reason why I use and love GrapheneOS, I am not really about to test everything which will break my applications or connections. I do not like it to be a Guinnea Pig, nor have time for that. But I would be happy to spent some bucks that a Dev with the right knowledge can buy a Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 Pro to track down and fix the issue. At least if really none of the Devs has one already. But my assumption is that you guys do not use these devices at all :) I guess if all of the ppl who face the issues spent some bucks, we could provide a device for you. Just my two cents.