rndmE You could also just install Google play services and use GMaps as ever before.

I have play services on my main profile, but if I used maps in it regularly it would tie my location data (from gmaps) to the dummy account i have.

rndmE that Google and Apple as well are reading all your push notifications?

I use play services for push notifications anyway, so that's a lost cause either way.

rndmE Why would you switch to iOS? They grab everything, just like Google. Did you for example read the "news", that Google and Apple as well are reading all your push notifications?

Agreed that they grab just as much data. But unlike google, apple doesn't have a huge foothold/monopoly on search, maps, videos (youtube), web advertisement, web analytics, email (gmail), smartphones, etc. Apple only has smartphones, that's it. Google ties all that data together in their profile of everyone.

Working for me without Google play services. Sorry, I'm not sure it's working because I didn't use it yet. But the maps are loading perfectly when I open the app

Maps is behaving weird. I have to install the full Google "experience" now, with both Play Services and Store. Otherwise the app won't work.


    I tried again in my work profile. This time instead of just GSF I installed all of play services. Restarting maps then worked. However If i forced closed maps, then uninstall all play services, Maps became broken again.

    I just installed everything and then deactivated the apps up to bottom. Looks like maps needs Play Services (GPS) installed and running. But you can block any permission, as far as I can say. Play Store is necessary, as well, but you can complety deactivate it? Looks like its only checking if you have it installed, at the moment. Running Play Service seems to be mandatory, though.

    Not sure about GMS and GSF. Will do further tests to minimize the area of attack.

    Edit: Service Framework (GSF) can be deactivated, as well. Maps appears to run on Google Play Services and Play Store, now, with Play Store deactivated and Play Services set to bare minimum in app settings.

    Navigation itself still seems to require GSF, but it runs with minimal privileges (w/o network, location etc.). At the moment, the only app with Location, Network and Sensor access is the Maps app itself. Everything else is shut down to minimum. I can load maps, locations and navigate.

    Services Framework: installed, no permissions
    Play Services: installed, no permissions
    Play Store: installed, deactivated

    Can anyone confirm what I have written so far?

      SquirrelMaster Play services depends on the Play Store and disabling the Play Store while using it will break a bunch of functionality. You shouldn't do that. It's going to be causing problems regardless of which functionality you use.

      In a profile without Services Framework, Play Services, Play Store:

      Maps 11.111.0202 (1067348547) - map loads
      Maps 11.112.0102 (1067354881) - map is blank*
      Maps 11.114.0104 (1067372434) - map is blank*
      Maps 11.115.0102 beta (1067382438) - map is blank*

      *If upgrading from 11.111.0202 or below without clearing app storage, the map may appear to be cached, but a search for an address will not show the location marker on the map.

      I sent feedback to Google.

        3 months later


        dara Maps 11.111.0202 (1067348547) - map loads

        Very honorable having the consideration and foresight to share the exact useful information one would need.
        Thank you sir! Made it easy for me.

        4 months later

        For me, the maps started showing after allowing network access to the GSF.