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  • Things to know about using social media and streaming/shopping apps on Graphene

I know my post will upset a few people on this forum, but anyways.

Say I want to use Instagram, Facebook, X, Reddit, Amazon, Prime, Netflix... This kind of apps; on Graphene.
Then what should I know, keep in mind? What would be the best practices? Would I be better off with regular Android at this point, or does Graphene still provides advantages?

My mindset is: I want better, not perfect. I'm not expecting a smartphone from Google to be capable of providing total security and privacy any other way than being shut down.


    • Edited

    First, you do what you want with your phone. Installing netflix doesn't compromise GrapheneOS, which is totally suited to classic use, with better data control.

    Then keep permissions to a minimum: Network, notifications if needed.
    Microphone and camera only when in use.
    Use contact and storage scopes.

    If you want to go further, you'll need to put these apps in a separate profile.
    You can also use some of these applications on the web version, in PWA.

    ultome Unless you really can't go without certain features that the Stock OS has, then I would say there's no good reason to use the Stock OS.

    GrapheneOS pushes updates quickly, has its hardened memory allocator, you can install Google Play as a regular app, etc. Using the mentioned apps doesn't change anything about how much more secure and private the OS is. You'd just be using a few apps that may try to get as much data as they can from you, so restrict their permissions. It might be helpful to use them in a separate profile if you can.