Since Google Photos didn't actually create anything, it won't be able to see anything if you just enable Storage Scopes. So, if you want Google Photos to see photos, you'd have to add folders in Storage Scopes, like the DCIM
folder for camera photos, or Pictures
for other photos that other apps had saved.

- Nov 8, 2023
- Joined Jan 28, 2023
That's a common misconception about how storage scopes works. It's not a permission-only kind of thing. It's more a visibility and pretend access thing.
With Storage Scopes on (no folders or files added in the storage scopes settings), WhatsApp thinks it has access to EVERYTHING, but it sees nothing saved anywhere, except some standard folders (I think). WhatsApp can save files anywhere it wants. Pictures, Downloads, etc. Then, WhatsApp will only be able to see the files/folders it itself has created.
When you add a folder or a file to the Storage Scopes settings, the app in question will now be able to see every folder and every file in that folder, regardless of which app created the files/folders.
I'd suggest reading the Storage Scopes section here: for more information.
I hope that clarifies things.