well i guess telegram joins the ranks of all the other apps that are becoming shittier by the minute, making it more and more difficult to use alternative clients. screw telegram, stop using it if you can. stop using any app that adopts bullshit practices to try and get the 17 people still not using their 'official' apps
- Sep 12, 2023
- Joined Sep 11, 2023
- In Telegram
- In Telegram
- Edited
[deleted] that's what i used.....but it wasn't on graphene to be fair, as i did it before i started using graphene. but i see no reason why it wouldn't work as it does not depend on any google services. it hink it just asks for telephone number to register anyway, if i recall correctly
- In Telegram
I installed F-Droid after downloading from their website and searched Telegram FOSS. Alternatively, since F-Droid apparently doesn't always have the highest security level SDK version of the app, you can just simply search Telegram FOSS on github if it is on there and download directly from there. I read some people recommending an app called Obtanium that updates your apps downloaded from github so you don't have to search for updates yourself. Obtanium I believe is also on F-Droid
GrouchyGrape secured browsers can still be compromised if a website is not secured. also when we're talking about companies the size of Paypal their app has a lot more work put into it for security. It is more invasive because it is their software on your device, but that's what user profiles are for. Any other app like weather, social media or reddit or shit like that, yeah run it from browser, who cares.
- In Telegram
I use Telegram FOSS from Fdroid, no Play Sevices required
[deleted] I have, there is no solution in them, but if you have some fix for me I'm all ears. Otherwise useless reply
GrouchyGrape well generally it's more secure using their own app, notifications come earlier as well.
dcd-graphenediscuss what where the tips? i a can't get paypal to work either.