
I'm currently writing tutorial for using the Auditor app and I have a couple of questions regarding the different oucomes that one can get.

Succesfully preformed basic verification and pairing:
What does this mean? Is there a follow-up step that I'm missing?

My second question is: I want to make screenshots of the different result screens and I'm wondering what information I need to blur. De device type and OS being visible is not a problem but I'm not well versed enough to know what details are identifiable and I should blur.

    android-privacy Succesfully preformed basic verification and pairing:
    What does this mean? Is there a follow-up step that I'm missing?

    Attestation is based on a "trust on first use" (TOFU) model. The first verification generates a persistent key stored in the hardware backed keystone. When you conduct subsequent attestations you'll achieve stronger verification based on the initial verification.

    For more details please see: https://attestation.app/about#about

    As the root of trust lies with the first verification, it's recommended to perform the first verification shortly after installing the OS. See https://grapheneos.org/install/web#verifying-installation for further details about that.

      treequell Thank you! Even though it was not a direct response to my question, I still greatly appreciate your explanation. I have given the link you sent posted a a read and I've learned a great deal about this proces. Thank you once again!