Every of my 3 Pixel's 8 Pro have crash on some app with this error. So for 3 days I'm can't use my favorite apps
surfacefinger crash
Where's the log it shows you for every crash?
🤦 Developer's didn't design that error log to pop up every time just to irritate you... They did it because they're gonna need it if you have an issue like this.
As it stands do you want us to go grab our crystal balls and divine with the stars to figure out what might be causing this? You've provided us no information to work with, please paste one of the logs next time you experience this
- Edited
Leave your balls with you and do not take them out. Issue already have crashlog in Github, thread here only for another people who have same problem for reply.
Coz github have shadow ban for new accounts with temp mail I can't post anything on it.
type: crash
osVersion: google/husky/husky:14/UQ1A.231205.015/2023120800:user/release-keys
uid: 1000 (u:r:surfaceflinger:s0)
cmdline: /system/bin/surfaceflinger
processUptime: 7122s
signal: 11 (SIGSEGV), code 9 (SEGV_MTESERR), faultAddr e00db166d972349
threadName: surfaceflinger
MTE: enabled
/system/bin/surfaceflinger (android::SurfaceFlinger::commit(android::PhysicalDisplayId, android::ftl::SmallMap<android::PhysicalDisplayId, android::scheduler::FrameTarget const*, 3ul, std::__1::equal_to<android::PhysicalDisplayId> > const&)+800, pc 20ef60)
/system/bin/surfaceflinger (android::scheduler::Scheduler::onFrameSignal(android::ICompositor&, android::VsyncId, android::TimePoint)+364, pc 1ee39c)
/system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollInner(int)+376, pc 18b08)
/system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollOnce(int, int*, int*, void**)+124, pc 1892c)
/system/bin/surfaceflinger (android::impl::MessageQueue::waitMessage()+92, pc 1deefc)
/system/bin/surfaceflinger (android::scheduler::Scheduler::run()+28, pc 1ee21c)
/system/bin/surfaceflinger (main+1792, pc 25b920)
/apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__libc_init+104, pc 5ad08)
@GrapheneOS Every Pixel 8 Pro has this issue with some apps.
Hi @secure_adict, thanks for linking the relevant GitHub issue. I'm sure it can serve as a useful reference for anybody else who faces the same issue.
As noted in the GitHub issue, the crash is an upstream one. Any developments to this issue will continue to be tracked there. As such, I'm locking this post to direct users to GitHub instead.