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  • Storage scope and file management suggestions

I always start off with good intentions of keeping my files organized but as time goes on with different apps placing the same file types in different locations my phones files get to be a mess. In light of storage scopes does anyone have suggestions of how to organize your phones files? I was thinking of making a scopes folder in which each app would have a specific folder that it had access to beyond the ones they already do. Please let me know your thoughts on this or how you have yours setup.

  • [deleted]

That's what I did: A storage scopes folder in "download" and I put subfolders there for each apps that requires limited access to my storage.
It's easy to get organized like that.

    panopticon some apps use storage access framework, which is the less invasive type of accessing the files. And you can select any folder this way.

    • [deleted]

    panopticon If you give access to a directory, you give access to everything in, including the subfolders, i just tried with threema.

      [deleted] So setting up a folder inside downloads with subfolders for each app that is given storage scope access to each folder is worthless as every app by default without permission already has downloads accessible including its subfolders. 🤔

        • [deleted]

        • Edited

        panopticon No.

        In "download", I have a folder "storage scopes".
        And in this folder, I make a folder for each application:
        Download>Storage scopes>signal
        Download>Storage scopes>Standard notes

        Each application has access only to its own directory : in the settings, I give the storage access to the last directory, not to "download", neither to "storage scopes".
        Signal can't see in the Standard Notes directory

        If I set the rights for signal above, to download, then yes, it will be able to see all the other directories.