I am currently using a pixel 4a (using Grapheneos) on a google fi plan. Google requires the google fi app in order to activate your plan on said phone, and that needs to be signed in to sandboxed google play, as well as google fi, with my google account. I doubt this is very private, but what can I do about this?
If I remove the app and sign out of google play, SMS doesnt work properly.

Is there any way to use google fi without a google account? Or maybe I can switch to a blank google account fo google fi?

Thanks for the help!

    • [deleted]

    Adamsmashem Are you stuck with google fi for whatever reason? You could port your number a few different ways to avoid having to stay with a google product/number.

      [deleted] Right now my parents are paying for it so im not complaining, and it works pretty good where I live. Porting means switching providers right? Id rather try and use google fi as privately as possible.

        • [deleted]

        • Edited

        Adamsmashem Yes, porting is the process in which you transfer your number from one carrier to another. As far as privacy goes, I'm not sure what your goal of privacy is, anything that's not zero knowledge end-to-end encrypted is unsecure communication, as in your messages can be intercepted. After doing some reading, it looks like googlefi may be encrypted? or only just for calls? I'm not entirely sure, eitherway you still have to trust Google that it is properly implemented and that google does not have a key to access the communications.

        If it's from your parents, i'm going to assume that the googlefi numbers were not purchased anonymously and therefore your identity is tied to them, so that's another -1 point for gryffindor.

        My question woud be, how does having an active google account tied to the phone impact your privacy? And honestly i'm not entirely sure. Someone here more knowledgable than me particularly regarding how google accounts are effected with GOS sandboxed environment can answer. My understanding is that google hardware fingerprints, but GOS may have implementations to minimize this. If not, you'll still have some increased restrictiveness over other less secure phone OS's due to GOS google sandboxing. Here is the source for information pertaining to sandboxed google play: https://grapheneos.org/usage#sandboxed-google-play

        Without knowing what your concern is, just being concerned about "privacy" is too broad of a question.

        Some information you might find of value: https://ssd.eff.org/