I'm ready to purchase the new Pixel 8 Pro directly from the online Google store (unlocked) since waiting for the Black Friday sale getting $200.00 off. With constant talk of personal privacy invasion sounds like G OS is the way to go. I'm just a retired boomer that doesn't like the feeling of my personal conversations being monitored and phone tracked and also concerned about security in general. Really just looking for some added security and privacy in a world that seems just too interested in my boring convos with family and friends.
I understand my privacy is already compromised with my use of the Apple devices (my newest released ipad pro& Macbook Pro laptop 16" ). It's the platform I've always used and it is what it is. VPN and go. I do have Linux on an old mac laptop, but never liked it so it isn't used.
My question here is, where do I begin? I'd describe myself a little more technical in the know than the average person, but by far no cyber expert. I'm only buying the new Pixel 8 Pro for the purpose of Graphene OS hardened security and have always been an Android user. I've no use for google, but like it or not, I know google finds their way to your privacy and just want something separate from my Apple devices, hence, Graphene for the new phone.
I'm a bit nervous to spend $ on this new phone and screw it up switching its OS. Is there a way to literally be walked through the whole process from start to finish? I've read the web based conversion is pretty simple, but I don't trust myself doing it alone. I can follow directions, understand more than average, but my technical knowledge isn't good when I do something wrong, I cannot get myself out of it. Plus, I'm just plain nervous with the cost of this phone and want to do this perfectly.