I'm ready to purchase the new Pixel 8 Pro directly from the online Google store (unlocked) since waiting for the Black Friday sale getting $200.00 off. With constant talk of personal privacy invasion sounds like G OS is the way to go. I'm just a retired boomer that doesn't like the feeling of my personal conversations being monitored and phone tracked and also concerned about security in general. Really just looking for some added security and privacy in a world that seems just too interested in my boring convos with family and friends.

I understand my privacy is already compromised with my use of the Apple devices (my newest released ipad pro& Macbook Pro laptop 16" ). It's the platform I've always used and it is what it is. VPN and go. I do have Linux on an old mac laptop, but never liked it so it isn't used.

My question here is, where do I begin? I'd describe myself a little more technical in the know than the average person, but by far no cyber expert. I'm only buying the new Pixel 8 Pro for the purpose of Graphene OS hardened security and have always been an Android user. I've no use for google, but like it or not, I know google finds their way to your privacy and just want something separate from my Apple devices, hence, Graphene for the new phone.

I'm a bit nervous to spend $ on this new phone and screw it up switching its OS. Is there a way to literally be walked through the whole process from start to finish? I've read the web based conversion is pretty simple, but I don't trust myself doing it alone. I can follow directions, understand more than average, but my technical knowledge isn't good when I do something wrong, I cannot get myself out of it. Plus, I'm just plain nervous with the cost of this phone and want to do this perfectly.

    Hello Birdie,
    if you feel unsure (which I perfectly remember from my own experience), take a look at Side Of Burrito's YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@sideofburritos/videos) first. You may especially find the video "How to install GrapheneOS on Google Pixel 7/7a (Pixel 7 Pro) + Setup for new users" userful (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAZlmYKrwfk).
    I can only share my own experience - I installed GrapheneOS using the web install three times during the last 2 years (Pixel 4a, 6a and 8), I followed the instructions (https://grapheneos.org/install/web) exactly and it worked flawlessly each time. I admit I had been pretty nervous the first time though ;-).

    Hi and welcome!

    When you feel unsure about the installation process I second Side of Burritos on YouTube. The videos walk you through every step and you can check weather it's normal if your phone does this or that. I recommend watching the videos alongside the GOS install website to get to know your system.

    For me the best part about GrapheneOS is that I regain control over my data and may device. I was a long time iOS user before I switched to GraphenOS and whenever I touch an iphone again (job or friends) it feels weird and almost childish. You can decide if you choose to install apps from app stores, download from GitHub or mix and match. Either way, you can choose and having a choice is part of digital freedom (also real freedom but that's a bit to much pathos for now).

    Also the community is very helpful, you get help in the matrix channel in case you got stuck during the setup process, and chances are good you'll find somebody coming up with the right solution. There are some highly qualified people around here, so if you stick to Graphene you'll learn a thing or two about privacy and security as a bonus.

    Thanks much for both of your advise. Nice to know I am not alone in this first time scare to change the OS on this expensive device. I shall get right to your suggestions and excited to join the G OS community.

    • de0u replied to this.
      • [deleted]

      BIRDIE but like it or not, I know google finds their way to your privacy

      grapheneos has no google services installed by default.

        Plus if you choose to install Google stuff (play store and all) it is sandboxed and has no privileges whatsoever - it's just a regular app.

        Welcome! The only problem with videos is they can become outdated or worse, deviate from the official instructions. That said, side of burritos is a good channel and as far as I remember he never goes off track or gives bad advice so you shouldn't come across any problems if you take it as a second reference point.

        You can't brick your phone with the web installer. Read the whole page, follow it precisely to the letter, you'll have it installed in no time.

          [deleted] google is more than just phone apps. Hundreds of millions of websites use google analytics, or are hosted on google cloud hosting, or are routing through google DNS.

          GOS is really just one aspect of privacy protection. To properly compliment it, you really need a proper DNS filter (pi-hole) and VPN service, both set to block or drop communication with Google's domains and CDNs.

          And then that's just google. Consider other companies like Facebook that solely exist because they make mucho mega money off of user data.

          These companies have become so embedded across everything to do with modern computing, they (especially google) really need to be broken up but even at this point I think it may be too little too late.

          Its getting to the point where the only winning move is not to play.

            BIRDIE Nice to know I am not alone in this first time scare to change the OS on this expensive device.

            I was nervous my first time too.

            These days the installers are really good about not bricking devices -- if something goes wrong, the device is very likely to be recoverable by just fixing some detail and starting over. Use the web installer if you can, and follow all of the directions carefully. If you don't know what some step means, ask for help (instead of skipping).

            Most likely it will work the first time.


            Not all texts with 4 paragraphs is from ChatGPT. Please don't reply with childish claims like that. Espesially when the post only had reasonable explanations about the tech-world we live in functions.


            spring-onion Read the whole page, follow it precisely to the letter, you'll have it installed in no time.

            Which one of the 13,856 letters :) or 2,228 words :)
            Why oh Why can’t we have an official video or official confirmation of one web video?
            Way back I used techlore installation video as a guide on one Linux laptop whilst using another Linux laptop for the flash with the Pixel 3a. Quite stressful but I succeeded :) 71 years old then!
            Now I find that I can’t use my FireFox-ESR and don’t want to use any of the recommended browsers. Oh dear :(
            Can I use my Pixel 3a GOS to web install onto new 7a or 8?

              Andy I'm not sure what you question is here:

              Which one of the 13,856 letters :) or 2,228 words :)

              It may be beneficial for some people to read the official installation guide once before attempting to do the install.

              Way back I used techlore installation video as a guide on one Linux laptop whilst using another Linux laptop for the flash with the Pixel 3a. Quite stressful but I succeeded :) 71 years old then

              My dad's 82 and was able to follow the official written guide and was successful with installing it on his device last year. He is blind in one eye and English is his third language. It was difficult for him too. He did ask about videos but since they are most inaccurate and out dated, he wanted to do it right.

              The only video recommendations I would make is Side of Burritos guided videos. Techlore is not accurate and most of the things they say usually ends up being wrong when it comes to GrapheneOS.

              Now I find that I can’t use my FireFox-ESR and don’t want to use any of the recommended browsers. Oh dear

              Firefox isn't supported because it doesn't support WebUSB. Simple solution is to use one of the supported browsers. Many users install one of the supported browsers for one-time use and then remove it.

              Why oh Why can’t we have an official video or official confirmation of one web video?

              Explained here https://discuss.grapheneos.org/d/8968-pixel-8-pro-on-black-friday-sale-now/7

              • Andy replied to this.

                Andy Can I use my Pixel 3a GOS to web install onto new 7a or 8?

                In theory, yes. But around a year ago I was unable to install a 6a from a 3a - I tried three times, but it gave me some non-specific failure each time. I gave up and did a command-line install (which was how I had installed the 3a, so I was familiar with doing it).

                I know of no reason not to try from your 3a, but personally I wouldn't try many times.


                akc3n My dad's 82 and was able to follow the official written guide and was successful with installing it on his device last year. He is blind in one eye and English is his third language. It was difficult for him too. He did ask about videos but since they are most inaccurate and out dated, he wanted to do it right.

                Firstly: I am mightily impressed with your Dad at 82 years old – you must be so proud of him. It will give hope and some confidence to the thousands of people pondering installing Graphene OS. Hope I will still be savvy enough if I get to 82 from present 73 :)

                akc3n I'm not sure what you question is here:

                I simply copied and pasted GOS instructions into LibreOffice Word to highlight the complexity :( A picture says a thousand words :) A video says ten thousand words :) A classic Red Herring:- Hey Guys, instructions can get outdated just as easily as videos :)

                Don’t want any of the supported browsers on my computers. Not sure if there is an associated security risk? Plenty of noise on the web without listing many to substantiate risks.
                Strange idea to compromise a computer to install a safe Graphene OS – still, afterwards I could wipe computer and do a fresh install – Hey Guys; not so crazy action as only once every five years :) and would force you to do backup :) win win :)

                  Andy Hey Guys, instructions can get outdated just as easily as videos :)

                  Editing text instructions on a web site takes a lot less time and effort than getting out a camera, re-shooting part of a video, and splicing the new video into the old one. Also, every Android release changes how many things look on the screen, so it would be necessary to completely re-shoot an installation video yearly.

                  To be fair, if an installation site had lots pictures then it would be a pain to re-do all of those yearly... perhaps that's why the current GrapheneOS site doesn't have lots of pictures...

                  Andy Don’t want any of the supported browsers on my computers.

                  If the browser you prefer doesn't support WebUSB, or has bugs in the WebUSB implementation, then there is no way for the GrapheneOS web installer to work on that browser. You can give it a try if you want, but the reason why the installation guide lists only some browsers is that those browsers can do successful installs.

                  The other alternative would be a CLI install.

                  Andy Don’t want any of the supported browsers on my computers. Not sure if there is an associated security risk? Plenty of noise on the web without listing many to substantiate risks.
                  Strange idea to compromise a computer to install a safe Graphene OS – still, afterwards I could wipe computer and do a fresh install – Hey Guys; not so crazy action as only once every five years :) and would force you to do backup :) win win

                  I do not believe you're compromising your computer with any of the listed browsers except maybe Chrome. Brave, Chromium, even Vivaldi are reasonable choices. I installed Chromium for the setup, had a very smooth experience and purged it afterwards.

                  12 days later


                  I started using GrapheneOS over two years ago on a Pixel 6a and had all of the same uncertanties you're expressing. I upgraded to the Pixel 7 and two weeks ago I also picked up a Pixel 8 Pro on sale. Some lessons I learned along the way:

                  • I found a forum post that suggested Aurora Store which has worked out great. I don't have a Google account and so I use the anonymous login feature (you just push the anonymous button after you open the app).
                  • Installing GrapheneOS is a breeze with the web installer. I've done it three times now on the Pixel 6a, 7, and 8 Pro and it's worked every time without any problems. Just read the instructions carefully and use the Side of Burrito's YouTube video if you want a demonstration of it.
                  • Some apps are built to require Google Play Services. The GrapheneOS team includes an "Apps" app and in there you can install a "sandboxed" Google Services Framework. Many apps will function fine without Google Services but they won't be able to provide alerts. By the way, all of the Proton apps work fine without Google. Brave works without Google as well.
                  • I highly recommend ProtonMail, ProtonPass, ProtonCalendar, etc.

                  Hi Birdie, I've always used Apple too and 1 year ago I put Linux Mint on my MacBook and I'm thrilled (much better than Mac OS) and I also bought a Pixel 8 pro and put G-OS on it and I'm thrilled. I'm also selling my iPhone and don't want to use anything from Apple anymore. I'm not a pro either but it really wasn't difficult to install G-OS.