I'm currently experiencing an issue with Google Photos. I can take a picture with Pixel Camera and the picture shows in Gallery, but not in Google Photos. I tried a few things that I read on this forum, but I'm not finding any fix for it. I know it's got to be something simple. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Zorin I do recall having similar issues in the past with Google Photos, but I can't recall exactly how I resolved it.

    Anyway, to start with, have you granted Google Photos the "Photos and videos" permission, or have you enabled Storage Scopes for Google Photos? If using Storage Scopes, have you given the app access to "Main storage/DCIM/Camera", or wherever you are saving the photos taken with your camera.

      Ok, I'm dumb, l did it both ways you suggested and it works now. I decided to just use the scopes method for more security. Also, I was worried the eraser function wouldn't work, but it works as advertised. Thank you for the quick reply.

      • de0u replied to this.