I installed AODNotify and Lawnchair. Both apps need some accessibility permission. But when i the accessibility settings on the phone it says "restricted setting, for your security, this setting is currently unavailable". This did not appear with previous ROMs i've used...

Is there any way to bypass it? Is it due to Graphene OS's security features?

Looks like this: https://imgur.com/a/0SOufg9


    Is there any way to bypass it?


    poubellier From https://blog.esper.io/android-13-deep-dive/#restricted_settings_appop:

    go to the app info settings for the app in question, open the menu, and then press “allow restricted settings” to unblock access to the app’s accessibility service.


    Is it due to Graphene OS's security features?

    No. It's an Android 13 feature which prevents "sideloaded" apps (those not installed via a session-based package installer) from using the accessibility and notification listener APIs without the user going out of their way to enable them. You'll encounter this issue with apps installed manually from APKs and from F-Droid because the latter doesn't use the modern package management API.

      2 months later


      I was having the same issue with Neo Launcher installed from F-Droid. Just in case the above advice is not clear regarding how to bypass the Restricted Setting, please do the following:

      From your phone's Settings go to Apps then pick the app you want to grant Accessibility Access to (in my case Neo-Launcher), then select Permissions, finally at he top right of the screen select the three vertical dot menu. Here you will able to grant the app access to Restricted Settings.

      9 months later

      To anyone facing this issue. Go to Settings -> Apps. Select the App you want to grant access to the restricted setting to. Now (without going into permissions) tap the three dots at the top right corner, and tap the button.

      twitheatrophonic I would recommend that you do not give Bitwarden the accessibility permission, since it is a highly invasive permission, which increases the attack surface of your device.

      Bitwarden works fine with the auto-fill service on GrapheneOS, and it's recommended that you use this approach.

      If you still decide to proceed with enabling it as an accessibility service, you'll find the option in the Bitwarden auto-fill settings.