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  • How does one skip or make anonymous Google age confirmation?

Resurr changed the title to How does one skip or make anonymous Google age confirmation? .

[deleted] bruh, can google get any more cringe? I wonder if its randomized or what triggers this verification.

    OP I'd probably just burn the account and start over and see if you can circumvent it.

    Assuming you're of age and should be circumventing it ofc.

    I have tried to download a game via play store on my game user.
    it's probably 18+ fps game. And then it happend.

    • [deleted]

    Resurr But how to fake it..

    By using a VPN (also ensure that the server you're connecting to is not in a jurisdiction where ID verification is required)

    • [deleted]

    Resurr Probably not the place to ask, but use your imagination.