Could you double check that Google Play Services and Google Services Framework both have the network permission enabled too?

    • [deleted]

    Try clearing Play store's cache and then force stopping it.

      • [deleted]


      Then, the play store won't detect any apps installed on the phone

      • [deleted]

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      I did this.
      Play Store did not detect the presence of installed apps but I searched some of my apps and clicked on "update". It worked for like 6 apps but now same problem : apps do not update. Nor can I download any app.

      Are you using private DNS or a VPN?

      • [deleted]

      Yes IVPN but I tried with the VPN disconnected too and it does not solve the problem.

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      Shot in the dark here, but are you sure you're logged in? Google had silently kicked me out out of my throwaway account a couple of days ago and it took me a good minute to figure out that this was the reason for Play Store's funky behavior.

        • [deleted]


        Yes I am connected 😕