Facebook is a cancer. It spreads fake news and hatred and also makes you depressed. It always makes you feel others are living a better life than you. You should delete Facebook if you want to live a peaceful life without all the fake news and the phoneys.

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    SoulKeeper my daughter makes me depressed because she puts it everywhere when she eats, should I live in a cave? if you're depressed about anything take a step back, I don't know what else to tell you.

      One can neither protect nor save people from themselves.

      And Facebook prospers.

      • zzz likes this.
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      Aye, there is tad difference between hate and strong opinion.

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      I don't quite understand the debate, but we're a long way from security-oriented advice, and besides, Facebook supports fido keys.

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        [deleted] Security is not everything if you trust the wrong party!