I use the Gamesir X2 Pro USB-C controller infrequently whenever I travel to play PS2 games. Comboed with my Pixel 6. I haven't travelled for quite some time. But the last time I did, I used to be able to use the USB-C pass through to charge my phone while using the controller simultaneously. Now I can only do one or the other. If I try to charge and use the controller at the same time, the controller gives no data input and the phone just charges slowly. Wondering if a new patch, update etc... Borked it so they can't work together or if there's a setting I need to change. I'm going to attempt to use it on a standard pre-Graphene Pixel 6 as well to see if its a Graphene issue
I know its not the controller having a firmware update etc... Since it hasn't received one since I got it.
This is obviously a really minor issue since I can still game. I just can't charge and game at the same time so I need to take breaks when the battery gets low