
  • Dec 19, 2024
  • Joined Jun 17, 2023
  • Signal keeps instantly crashing on my Android 15 GrapheneOS Pixel 6a. I'm not sure if it's Signal, Android 15, GrapheneOS or my Pixel 6a causing the problem. Wondering if anyone has any ideas or solutions

    Log attached

    type: crash
    osVersion: google/bluejay/bluejay:15/AP4A.241205.013/2024121200:user/release-keys
    flags: dev options enabled
    package: org.thoughtcrime.securesms:149200, targetSdk 34
    process: org.thoughtcrime.securesms
    processUptime: 3566 + 378 ms
    installer: com.android.vending

    at org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.SqlCipherErrorHandler.onCorruption(SqlCipherErrorHandler.kt:61)
    at net.zetetic.database.sqlcipher.SQLiteDatabase.onCorruption(SQLiteDatabase.java:348)
    at net.zetetic.database.sqlcipher.SQLiteProgram.onCorruption(SQLiteProgram.java:117)
    at net.zetetic.database.sqlcipher.SQLiteStatement.execute(SQLiteStatement.java:72)
    at org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.SearchTable.optimizeIndex(SearchTable.kt:228)
    at org.thoughtcrime.securesms.jobs.OptimizeMessageSearchIndexJob.onRun(OptimizeMessageSearchIndexJob.kt:48)
    at org.thoughtcrime.securesms.jobs.BaseJob.run(BaseJob.java:31)
    at org.thoughtcrime.securesms.jobmanager.JobRunner.run(JobRunner.java:88)
    at org.thoughtcrime.securesms.jobmanager.JobRunner.run(JobRunner.java:51)
    at [[ ↑↑ Original Trace ↑↑ ]].(:0)
    at [[ ↓↓ Inferred Trace ↓↓ ]].(:0)
    at Database 'signal.db' corrupted!.(:0)
    at [sqlite] FullCode: 267 | ErrorCode: 11 | ExtendedErrorCode: 1 | Message: database disk image is malformed | ExtraMessage: null.(:0)
    at Diagnostics results:.(:0)
    at ===== PRAGMA integrity_check (same-connection) =====.(:0)
    at *** in database main ***.(:0)
    at Freelist: failed to get page 4481.(:0)
    at Tree 353 page 353: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 371 page 371: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 1072 page 1072: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 2762 page 2762: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 1006 page 1006: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 2444 page 2444: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 899 page 899: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 1991 page 1991: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 52 page 52: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 50 page 50: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 51 page 51: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 1444 page 1444: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 888 page 888: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 1437 page 1437: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 1428 page 1428: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 93 page 93: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 134 page 134: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 94 page 94: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 22 page 22: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 24 page 24: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 23 page 23: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 2 page 2: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 212 page 212: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 123 page 123: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 122 page 122: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 120 page 120: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 119 page 119: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 118 page 118: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 117 page 117: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 116 page 116: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 71 page 71: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 72 page 72: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 90 page 90: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 133 page 133: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 132 page 132: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 91 page 91: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 18 page 18: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 1521 page 1521: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 115 page 115: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 114 page 114: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 112 page 112: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 111 page 111: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 110 page 110: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 109 page 109: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 108 page 108: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 107 page 107: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 106 page 106: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 105 page 105: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 104 page 104: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 103 page 103: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 102 page 102: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 101 page 101: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 100 page 100: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 99 page 99: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 98 page 98: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 68 page 68: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 139 page 139: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 138 page 138: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 137 page 137: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 69 page 69: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 53 page 53: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 140 page 140: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 74 page 74: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 158 page 158: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 75 page 75: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 33 page 33: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 129 page 129: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 5 page 5: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 97 page 97: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 96 page 96: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 12 page 12: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 11 page 11: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 10 page 10: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 9 page 9: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 8 page 8: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 7 page 7: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 6 page 6: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 55 page 55: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 142 page 142: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 141 page 141: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 95 page 95: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 151 page 151: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 150 page 150: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 1 page 1: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 27 page 27: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 34 page 34: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 25 page 25: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 26 page 26: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 59 page 59: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 161 page 161: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 160 page 160: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 60 page 60: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 86 page 86: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 87 page 87: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 32 page 32: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 149 page 149: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 148 page 148: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 61 page 61: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at Tree 62 page 62: unable to get the page. error code=1.(:0)
    at .(:0)
    at ===== PRAGMA cipher_integrity_check (same-connection) =====.(:0)
    at HMAC verification failed for page 4621.(:0)
    at .(:0)
    at [[ ↑↑ Original Trace ↑↑ ]].(:0)
    at [[ ↓↓ Exception Message ↓↓ ]].(:0)
    at null.(:0)

  • I am wondering if anyone has any advice on transferring the data from one phone that's running GrapheneOS to another. Is there any way to do this? The advice I've found online is always from standard Android to standard android (followed by installing GrapheneOS) which obviously doesn't apply here

    • Qenuwa Seems you are correct. I just tested as well and it's working on my GameSir X2 pro. So thank GOD. Great fix. Finally Google

    • I know you can get Digital Wellness apps but none of them can actually prevent you from just disabling them and continuing on your way. They are merely there as a reminder

      Would be nice to have the ability to restrict procrastination etc.... in the OS itself. As that's one of the big selling points for friends of mine whom are students and why they're struggling to want to switch to GrapheneOS

      • Qenuwa you have to update the 6a's fully before you install GrapheneOS (due to a bug locking down the bootloader) so I am certain

        As for Google. Not a clue. Considering complaining to GameSir. I feel like they'd have better luck

        • Qenuwa admittedly I recently flashed GOS on two Pixel 6a's and tested my Gamesir X2 Pro on both. Pass through worked on both and then stopped working once GOS was installed. Its a shame because it used to work and was a big selling point of GOS for my normies friends converting from iPhone to GOS

          • I use the Gamesir X2 Pro USB-C controller infrequently whenever I travel to play PS2 games. Comboed with my Pixel 6. I haven't travelled for quite some time. But the last time I did, I used to be able to use the USB-C pass through to charge my phone while using the controller simultaneously. Now I can only do one or the other. If I try to charge and use the controller at the same time, the controller gives no data input and the phone just charges slowly. Wondering if a new patch, update etc... Borked it so they can't work together or if there's a setting I need to change. I'm going to attempt to use it on a standard pre-Graphene Pixel 6 as well to see if its a Graphene issue

            I know its not the controller having a firmware update etc... Since it hasn't received one since I got it.

            This is obviously a really minor issue since I can still game. I just can't charge and game at the same time so I need to take breaks when the battery gets low