I got a USB-C drive and I just chose the phone as my backup location. I went to files to find the backup so I could save it on my USB-C but it wasn't there.

Does anyone know where a local backup would be stored and would it only be a backup of the profile I was in when I went to settings-system-backups in or would it be a copy of all the profiles?

    If you used seedvault it will only be stored in the profile you backed up . each profile needs to be backed up separately.

    d9780 In the hidden folder .SeedVaultAndroidBackup. It is in the home directory of the user profile you are backing up

    Thank you both very much. Is seed vault an app I download from f droid or is it already in grapheme?

    It's already on GrapheneOS. You'll find it in Settings > System > Backup.

    Should it work backing up to USB storage directly? Because I tried several times without success. The backup started but then always failed. Now I backup to local phone storage and it seems to complete successfully. For sure it would be more convenient backing up to external usb storage directly.

    in the folder .SeedVaultAndroidBackup there are 3 folders and a file '.nomedia'.

      pcrzdxgofwso Try a few different USB drives. Make sure that they are formatted in fat32 or for Pixel 6/7 series in exfat.

      I also recommend testing the backup, by restoring to a new user profile or another phone, before you go about wiping any data off the device.