JoshDangIt I'm a driver for doordash. Everything was working fine until I updated the OS a few days ago. The app now crashes when I log in. Any tips for troubleshooting? I haven't had any problems with Grapheneos until this point.
[deleted] You can try to enable the Exploit protection compatibility mode under Settings > Apps > See all apps > doordash > Advanced > Exploit protection comparability mode
matchboxbananasynergy Have you tried the above? If that doesn't work, disable that toggle again, and make sure that Settings > Security has native code debugging enabled.
matchboxbananasynergy On your device, go to Settings, then press Security and you'll see a toggle called "Enable native code debugging". Make sure that is on. You will only see this toggle in the owner profile, but it applies globally.
desto Still having the same issue. Directed to sign in but returns to the sign in screen once details are entered. Any fixes? I have tried the above as well as enabling all permissions but still nothing.
KatieTheDev UndercoverBozo so you can start a Dash, log in, everything works fine? And if you use DasherDirect does their app work on Graphene?
UndercoverBozo KatieTheDev Tested as of today yes and yes. I use the beta in a separate profile with play store. Has direct built into the app. Way better than the iPhone app however i use both and can login to both at the same time as well.
KatieTheDev UndercoverBozo oh I didn't know that! That's actually pretty cool and will probably save me time. Looking forward to switching! Did you have to do anything special or does it just work OOTB with sandboxed Play? I also plan on putting it in its own profile for privacy. Also, do you use the Google Maps integrated into Dasher or an external app?
UndercoverBozo KatieTheDev both work fine the app is super smooth, nothing special just the sandbox and a dummy google account. Just be aware theres always a chance dd changes something in the future so have a cheap or old backup phone at the very least if you depend on it.
KatieTheDev UndercoverBozo that's fair lol, I'll probably just keep my current iPhone in a drawer then. Or maybe I'll sell my iPhone and get a second Pixel (used) and leave it on the Google ROM. Good to know it works for now though! The only question left is some of my banking apps aren't on the list, but even then I can just use the websites if they decide not to work on Graphene.