I see there is a release, "Lynx" for the 7a, and that it is in the 'stable' channel. Has anyone in the community tested this build in the wild yet? I know it was just released, but just curious as it is being offered by my carrier for free...

    zeroNULLvoid You may well be aware of this, but carrier-locked devices are generally bootloader-locked and can't run GrapheneOS.

      de0u Actually, my carrier does not bootloader-lock Pixel phones. The only phones that we carry that are bootloader-locked are Samsung, and Motorola. Pixels are not. SIM locked, yes. Bootloader-locked, no.

      • de0u replied to this.

        zeroNULLvoid GrapheneOS release on Pixel 7a is stable now, and not experimental anymore. It has already been extensively used and tested by the GrapheneOS community.

          Been using it since it was experimental and it's been fine. As stable as it was on my Pixel 4a 5g so far.