I've been using Cryptomator 2 on an iPad for some time and it's just not reliable... Sometimes changes to files get lost, attaching a file from Cryptomator vault to an email sometimes result in a zero size attachment and so on.

Is there another similar app that integrates with Files on iOS?

2 months later

Did you found a solution ? You may look at AlternativeTo > Cryptomator alternatives and select iPad in the filters (link : https://alternativeto.net/software/cryptomator/?platform=ipad ). They propose NordLocker, Axcrypt and resort.

You probably did it but you can search on privacyguides https://www.privacyguides.org/fr/encryption/#cryptomator-cloud. I don't know if Cryptomator is automated but if this is the case, there doesn't seem to be alternatives...

Apple offers end-to-end encryption for iCloud, I think.

    [deleted] I haven't found a solution yet unfortunately. For now I keep files that I change often unencrypted on the iPad just relying on the iOS filesystem encryption. And before moving them to the cloud I encrypt them with Cryptomator.