I'm new here. Please forgive me if there's a thread already about this.

As the title says, video recording does not work. I press the record button, it starts to record, but then 2 seconds in the recording gets very choppy and pressing the "stop" button does nothing/is unresponsive. Only way to stop it is to close the app and no recording is saved. Recently updated (after 2 weeks of not restarting my phone) and now the issue has started.

Google Pixel 4a 5g
Build number: TQ2A.230405.003.2023041100

Let me know if you need any more info. This is quite frustrating as I use the camera a lot for my job, so anything I can do to help, let me know.


OK, so apparently also my speakers won't play sound, now, either.

Does anyone have any potential fix for this?

  • de0u replied to this.

    Ethobling I have a 6a, not a 4a 5g. I just recorded a 10-second video and it played back fine, including audio.

    How much free space do you have?

      OK, this just seems to be a media issue in general. I connected my earphones over Bluetooth and it found them and "connected", but will play no sound, regardless of sound level. When I open a video in Discord, it will not load/play. When I open Spotify and play a song, it acts like it is playing it, but no sound comes out and when I push the "pause" button, it moves the time the song is at back to 0:00. This affects both songs I have downloaded onto my phone and songs that aren't.

      I could really use some help here. 1/2 of what I use this phone for is unusable, now.

      If there any way to contact the dev team directly?

      • de0u replied to this.

        Also, I can send and receive calls, but can neither hear anything and the other person can't hear me.

        Make that 5/6ths of the reason I use my phone is now useless.

          matchboxbananasynergy I'd be inclined to agree, but it only happened right after I updated. I was in a store and decided to restart the phone to allow updates to install. Then everything started to not work.

          Can someone show me how to revert an update to an earlier build? I'm not very savvy with this sort of thing and I really need this phone operational for work. I've looked online, but only found 1 post and it didn't help.

          • de0u replied to this.

            Ethobling Can someone show me how to revert an update to an earlier build?

            The current version of GrapheneOS won't accept installation of an earlier version via an OTA image, because that would enable an attacker to roll back your OS to a version containing a known bug to then exploit the bug. This is called "downgrade protection". Thus installing an old version would require you to wipe the device - if you had an old image available. I believe the GrapheneOS project deliberately does not archive old images which suffer from known security vulnerabilities. You could build an old version yourself from source, but that is laborious.

            If you can't get in touch with the developers, here are some things you could try. Note that they are disruptive, so you should back up any important data first. Proceed at your own risk! You should check any advice you get from a random person on the Internet against other sources! I do not speak for the GrapheneOS project.

            1. Settings, System, Reset options, "Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth" -- hopefully not too disruptive, but also not that likely to help.
            2. If you have multiple user profiles and only one of them is troubled, deleting that profile and recreating it might not be too disruptive.
            3. Settings, System, Reset options, "Reset app preferences" -- somewhat disruptive, might help, might not.
            4. Settings, System, Reset options, "Erase all data" -- this is obviously very disruptive, since it will erase all of your data permanently. If you don't have a hardware problem, but your software setup is broken in some weird way, this might restore your device to regular operation. You would then need to restore your data, install apps, etc.
            5. You could back up your data, then flash the device back to the stock OS. If the issues persist, then your situation is probably a hardware problem.

            Given how disruptive these options are, contacting the developers via Matrix is probably worth pursuing.

            I hope something works!

            7 months later

            yes camera sometimes become too laggy... 😑

            4 months later

            I also have the same problems on my Pixel 4a 5G. Did you find a solution?

            8 months later

            I have the same issue recording video on my Pixel 7. Also happens on a brand new Pixel 8a.

            I set the video resolution to 720p and that resolved the Camera app freezing (the Stop button works now), but videos still have random 1 second lags/stutters when playing back.