[deleted] no florisboard will not replace the AOSP keyboard
Which keyboard is most likely to replace the AOSP keyboard on GrapheneOS?
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investigator I'm talking about the default keyboard on GrapheneOS. If you are aware of that, then please link me to the source where it says that FlorisBoard will not replace the AOSP keyboard.
This is where the talk about this ended: https://web.archive.org/web/20220803142758/https://github.com/florisboard/florisboard/issues/1921
Which isn't very promising.
The default keyboard app may or may not be replaced in the future, but whether it will be Florisboard or something else that replaces it is still unknown.
[deleted] This is where the talk about this ended: https://web.archive.org/web/20220803142758/https://github.com/florisboard/florisboard/issues/1921
Which isn't very promising.
The reason why that GitHub discussion is deleted and you had to find an archive of it is because things were talked out with Florisboard. We are not on bad terms with them. Just clearing the air there.
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matchboxbananasynergy If I had to bet, I would bet on FlorisBoard. I'll switch to it so I get used to it until it's probably added to GrapheneOS (the AOSP keyboard doesn't suit my needs anymore anyway).
Good lord. Either way Daniel doesn't lead the charge anymore, so his opinions are now his own and don't necessarily reflect anything GrapheneOS may do now or in the future. So it would be nice if we stopped bringing up old beef and focused on the future instead.
Ammako This is highly off topic. Nobody bringed that up, I was just curious about situation with FlorisBoard.
[deleted] OpenBoard is also a good project. FlorisBoard is just over-hyped because of GrapheneOS.
Florisboard contains libraries under restrictive open-source licenses, which are not compatible with GrapheneOS. I rather think that, when the time comes, the devs will create a new keyboard based in part on florisboard.
I have no problem using AOSP keyboard. But then again my expectations aren't high. (I don't rely on spell check and if make a mistake, I just apologize and move on) I presume, in terms of security it fares well otherwise it would have no place in GrapheneOS.
investigator That's not correct. FlorisBaord ditched Nuspell for this exact reason.
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SoulKeeper Did you try using FlorisBoard? The difference is huge.
More languages, more features, more customization, etc.
Any update on this?
FlorisBoard is awesome. Even in it's currents state it's way better than the stock keyboard.
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investigator decentralized technology
*federated learning?
Look at requiring the rights to the BlackBerry vkb . Needs updating but it may be using SwiftKey licences?? It's a great keyboard just the way it is now. I'm using it on my 6a.
Had to check the same before I installed it.
Can't remember if it was this app or another where they said the most important features are implemented, and now transitioning to bigger updates.
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Room101 Florisboard is not abandoned. I'm not a dev, but it looks like they are working through the issues of integrating a new NLP core.
Edit: also from github...
The current focus is on implementing next-word suggestions, which has become complicated/hit a snag and is taking more time than originally planned. Updates will come when this issue is resolved. Thank you for being patient.
I have the HeliBoard on my device now, I love it.
It' a fork from openBoard with Glide typing (swyping)