I also have sometimes the problem that the apps task manager won't open up under Total-Launcher.
After resting the phone it works again.
- Aug 4, 2024
- Joined Jan 10, 2024
On my Pixel 5 the "Do not disturb" shedule just work, when I go into the settings, disable the sheduled job and enable it again, then the phone aktivates the "do not distubre" after 10 P.M.
Why not installing an other launcher?With TotalLauncher e,g. you can set up everythink like you want.
Just check out what you need:
https://store.google.com/de/magazine/compare_pixel?hl=de&toggler1=Google+Pixel%C2%A07&toggler2=Google+Pixel%C2%A07a&toggler0=Pixel%C2%A05I would go for the 7a
I have the HeliBoard on my device now, I love it.
It' a fork from openBoard with Glide typing (swyping)
https://github.com/Helium314/HeliBoardI love the old Motorolla way with this app on my Pixel:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.rnazarevych.shaketorchAfter disabling
Settings ➔ Apps ➔ App ➔ Advanced ➔ Exploit protection compatibility mode
it works without accepting the cookies all over again.No, but a privat DNS-server (nextdns)
I installed the heise online news app over the sand-boxed google play store
Every time I switch between the news-list and the article, the app asking to
accept the cookies. Is there a way to accept cookies for the running app secession,
so that you just have to accept cookies once after starting the app?