treequell You can also changes the permitted network for downloading the update to unmetered only.
cb474 Thanks. I saw those settings. It was not clear to me what "unmetered" means. Does that mean wifi only? I currently have unlimited data on my cellular plan, so I was unsure if that would make cellular also considered unmetered, although I don't know how the system updater would know about the details of my plan.
Looking into this further, I see that the usage guide has a brief not very complete explanation. It states:
The "Permitted networks" setting controls which networks will be used to perform updates. It defaults to using any network connection. It can be set to..."Unmetered" to disable it on cellular networks and also Wi-Fi networks marked as metered.
The "and also" in the last sentence makes its meaning ambiguous. Does this mean all cellular networks (but not wifi) are by default treated as metered? Or does it mean downloads will be disabled on cellular and wifi networks marked as metered, but that's not the default for either? Are there other potentially undesired effects of treating a unmetered connection as metered?
I see there is also a "detect automatically" setting, which wifi seems to default to. How does the system automatically detect whether a network is metered or unmetered? My cellular plan has unlimited data, but if I travel abroad there's a cap. Can the system detect this change and will the updater, if "permitted networks" is set to unmetered, then only automatically download updates on my cellular service when I'm at home, but not abroad?
This all seems very complicated and not clearly documented.