Pixel 3a. Zapped to GrapheneOS without issues. Not exactly what I want. Want to rezap to the Google image. Turned on developer mode in GrapheneOS, turned on "OEM unlocking", but when I get into the bootloader, it says: Device status: locked. So how do I unlock the device? Device was unlocked prior to GrapheneOS, and is not on any cellular plan now. Any help much appreciated.

Use flash.android.com, you need to have ABD debug enabled from Dev settings also, then it will do all the work for you (similar to graphene web installer).

Thanks for the suggestion. Your insight pointed me in the right direction. And I tried on another computer, with a fresh Google USB driver, and the phone was able to be seen to Unlock the bootloader from the GrapheneOS web installer page.

_"Unlock the bootloader to allow flashing the OS and firmware:

Unlock bootloader
The command needs to be confirmed on the device and will wipe all data. Use one of the volume keys to switch the selection to accepting it and the power button to confirm.
<Unlock bootloader button here>"_

And I was then able to do the important step below.

"Replacing GrapheneOS with the stock OS
Installation of the stock OS via the stock factory images is similar to the process described above but with Google's web flashing tool. However, before flashing and locking, there's an additional step to fully revert the device to a clean factory state.
The GrapheneOS factory images flash a non-stock Android Verified Boot key which needs to be erased to fully revert back to a stock device state. Before flashing the stock factory images and before locking the bootloader, you should erase the custom Android Verified Boot key to untrust it:"
<Remove non-stock key button here>"


2 years later

good afternoon, I am trying to reset a version of IOS and every time I try it gives me the error "Device Unlock Disabled
For security reasons, you need to enable "OEM unlocking" in order to flash your device. See the device preparation instructions for more information." How can I deactivate it so I can reset the Pixel 7a, thank you

  • de0u replied to this.

    zeroplayerknight I recommend that you start a fresh thread specific to your issue as opposed to reactivating an old dead thread that is not clearly for the same issue.

    Also, we can't help with resetting "IOS". Is "GrapheneOS" what is meant? If so -- in a new thread -- please describe in detail what has been tried, with reference to the instructions on the GrapheneOS web site, that is resulting in the error received.

    other8026 locked the discussion .