Not having luck uploading a video taken with the default graphene camera to Instagram in Vanadium PWA

Its :30 seconds long, and 105mb

Instagram doesn't even give an error, just doesn't seem to even try. Storage Scope is configured correctly, etc..

So I wonder if its a format or size issue .. graphene doesn't allow any built in functionality for this and most editors I see have a ton of trackers built in

Any recommends for a privacy respecting editor? Bonus points if it doesn't add meta data, or strips it on export

    • [deleted]

    Video upload requirements on Instagram

    You can try and edit video before uploading with

    Also, after long search found two editors, tested with Exodus (no trackers)
    Not tested by me for functionality. Hope it helps.

    Thanks, that is likely it.

    Insta is lookong for HD video, and graphene was shooting UHD, surprised they don't transcoded on the back end

    I'll try some of these options and see if I can get it into an uploadable format

    That one editor looks very fancy, like a mobile version of Davinci Resolve


    Node editor was able to transcode down to 720p ... no need for additional software

    the litecut edtor shows 33 permissions on exodus, so no trackers, but needs to enable bluetooth broadcast, advert ID, etc .... so maybe not the best choice. .

    However. Even transcoded down to a 17MB, 720p mp4 video ... Instagram is still not allowing an upload through Vanadium. No errors, just refuses to try it.

    Is this something others have experienced? Storage Scopes is turned on, but has access and is seeing the files. Images are working fine ... only video seems to be a problem....

    Is this a known limitation of Vanadium?