• GeneralVanadium
  • Vanadium: Block google cookie when "Block third-party cookies" default.

Using Vanadium 111.0.5563.58 and have a question on Settings > Site settings > Cookies page.
How can I completely block cookies from google.com while setting "Block third-part cookies" as default ?

If I set it "Allow cookies", I can block google.com using "ADD SITE EXCEPTION" which tells "Block cookies for a specific site". But if set it "Block third-party cookies", "ADD SITE EXCEPTION" tells me it's "Allow cookies for a specific site".

How can I do that? or there's no way to do that?
Thanks in advance.

P.S. Usually I don't use google.com on vanadium. But even accidentally opening google.com (getting cookies), I don't want to be tracked by them.

For me, it is useless to block cookies from a site in the "blocked third-party cookies" setting because precisely when you do not explicitly browse on google.com, the cookies of the latter will be blocked by default.

And another site will not be able to see the cookies from google.com.

So I think the parameter you are looking for does not exist.


    Thank you for your replay to my question. My concern is the following scenario.

    1. Set "Block third-party cookies", no special treatment for google.com
    2. Accidentallly visit google.com and getting google cookies. Of course I don't login to google.
    3. Visit bbc.com or other many sites which uses google analytics.

    So google can not know it is me but they know the COOKIE and the IP address is visiting bbc.com or other websites.
    Is this an unnecessary concern? Sorry I'm little bit confused.

      ysugimura So, say you block third-party cookies, search on Google and then and open the BBC website. Google Analytics inside the BBC website is not able to read any of the cookies Google saved when you made the Google search on the Google website. So any data collected by Google Analytics when browsing BBC is not directly linked to your cookie data from the Google search you made just before that.