• GeneralPixel 7
  • Linux Mint hotspot doesn't appear on Graphene OS Wi-Fi list

I have gotten a Pixel 7 and installed GrapheneOS on it a few days ago.
I have setup a wifi hotspot on a Linux Mint machine with WPA2 security, so that I can share Internet to my Pixel, since I connect through Ethernet.
But for some reason, the hotspot doesn't appear in the Wifi list of available networks on GrapheneOS. I can connect to it on another phone. I tried to add the network manually but it didn't work. I have no clue where to look or how to troubleshoot the problem.
Thank you for your time!

    Hi achraf
    You may try toggling the WiFi off and on and let is sit for a few seconds. It can take a few seconds for Android to scan for networks. Is the network hidden? If it is, you will need to hit the Hidden network option under the Advanced options drop down menu when adding the network.

    2 years later

    I can confirm. Mint hotspot is not shown in wifi list. When trying to connect manually it fails.

    When I audited the VPN implementation in GrapheneOS for leaks, I used Linux Mint as my hotspot. So that definitely works.

    I created and enabled the hotspot using this:

    sudo nmcli device wifi hotspot con-name wifi1 ssid PUT-SSID-HERE band bg password PUT-PASSWORD-HERE
    sudo nmcli con modify wifi1 802-11-wireless-security.pairwise ccmp
    sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

    Just make sure to disable the ufw firewall first, if you have it enabled, as I found it interfered with the hotspot.

    I also found that the GUI for setting up a hotspot uses a legacy crypto algorithm GrapheneOS doesn't support, making connecting to the hotspot not possible. You have to set it up using the command line like above.

    Also, of course, your computer must be able to run as a hotspot in the first place. As in the driver and hardware must support it.

      ryrona When I audited the VPN implementation in GrapheneOS for leaks

      Sorry to be nitpicky here, but if I recall correctly, all of the leaks were because of upstream code that GrapheneOS had never touched. So it would be more accurate to say you found VPN leaks in Android/AOSP.

      btw, info about the leaks and fixes after ryrona reported the leaks can be found here: https://discuss.grapheneos.org/d/16161

        other8026 Sorry to be nitpicky here, but if I recall correctly, all of the leaks were because of upstream code that GrapheneOS had never touched. So it would be more accurate to say you found VPN leaks in Android/AOSP.

        Nah, I meant that "I audited the VPN implementation (that is) in GrapheneOS". From my perspective, it wasn't really that relevant that it was taken from AOSP without modifications, because it was still the VPN implementation used in GrapheneOS and that I had to rely on for security and privacy.

          ryrona Nah, I meant that "I audited the VPN implementation (that is) in GrapheneOS".

          Sorry, I should have been clearer. I know you know, so I know you meant that. I'm just not sure other people do, so I wanted to make sure it was clear to anyone who might not know.