Should you set the system language to English to improve your privacy?

I use a VPN and have set my system language to English to blend in with the crowd.

However, since the browser as well as other apps can access the time zone (and sim card country code), you stand more out than you blend in.

So should I set my system language to my real language to match the users from my country or should I set my time zone to a different one?

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I only use it in English even though I'm French because the text is better integrated and it's the language in which it was developed

just use your real language, it's not a big deal really, language fingerprinting is pretty much impossible able to uniquely fingerprint someone, especially in a big sample space

    miyouji It can't fingerprint someone on its own, but it is a factor in fingerprinting. So it does matter. Also "in a big sample space" which the GrapheneOS community is not compared to Stock OS users. This can especially depend on the language in question. For example there aren't many GrapheneOS so I stand out.