What are some great privacy respecting keyboards that have voice typing capability? I see that the Graphene stock keyboard has the microphone displayed but it does nothing when I click it.
What are some great privacy respecting keyboards that have voice typing capability? I see that the Graphene stock keyboard has the microphone displayed but it does nothing when I click it.
AffiliateAnthony That's because GrapheneOS does not bundle a Speech-to-text service. If you require that feature, you need to install a third party one.
I don't have a specific recommendation. I know that speech-to-text works with both GBoard and Sayboard with the network permission denied. You'll need to enable to network permission initially to download the language packs, but then you can disable. Whether one is better from a privacy perspective, I've no idea.
with Gboard network permission turned off, when clicking the microphone I get "Can't reach Google right now" message. Anyone know how to get Gboard to work (for voice to text) w/o requiring the network connection?
Need to have Google installed first. Then, with network access, go to settings in Gboard. There should be a new option for offline in Voice Typing, that wasn't there before if you didn't have Google installed/enabled. Once you have that installed, you can disable Gboard networking and disable/remove Google apps. Should work offline (faster) for English. Updates to Gboard might make you need to redo.
Graphite Thanks! My Voice Typing has the "Faster voice typing" button. I kept experiencing the same message (above). Finally, I forced re-downloading of my language/keyboard, then turning the network preference off worked.
In case anyone needs todo the same:
With English(QWERTY) as my main keyboard (which I need to re-download), I downloaded a 2nd keyboard (PC in this case), then edited Languages settings to delete QWERTY. Then I re-added QWERTY, switched to it, verified it worked with network on, then turned network off and it's working good.