daffy GmsCompat is part of the OS. It is the compatibility layer that makes Play Services function as a regular app. If you don't install Sandboxed Google Play, it does nothing, along with GmsCompatConfig.

It's disabled if you haven't installed sandboxed Google Play in the profile.

    7 months later
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    Sandboxednoob Both of them should be kept up-to-date

    It seems GmsCompat can only be updated via OTA updates, but GmsCompatConfig can be updated like normal apps in the Apps app.

    Sandboxednoob Gmscompat needs to be updated or only "Gmscompat config" needs update

    The best thing to do for system-installed components is nothing. The system is configured to update the parts of the system that need to be updated when they need to be updated, and otherwise to leave them alone.

    Disabling updates for some things and not others creates a risk that your device will end up with a configuration that no other device has, that has never been tested, that may not work, and that may fail in ways nobody will understand. It's probably best to make as few changes as necessary, and to have a specific reason for any change that you make. It might even be a good idea to keep a list of the settings changes you make, in order, so that if something goes wrong you can back out the most-recent changes.

      de0u I am using sparkos, in which GMScompat is not updated From Feb, they removed the GMScompat from there latest ROM versions, so I am using old version of ROM for gmscompat, and updating the Config file only.

      So updating only config is enough or I have to update GMScompat also.

      After updating config the Gapps is Still running well no issues.

      Is There are chances of data stealing by Google?

      Or I should move to MicroG..

        • [deleted]

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        Sandboxednoob Hi, you've already created a thread so there is no need to ask for help in other threads. Have some patience.

          [deleted] Thanks for detecting the duplicate. I will endeavor to answer "over there".