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  • How to get these pixel exclusive features on GOS

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    Raccoon You can use Google Lens. But there's one extra step. You have to share the screenshot with Lens app.

      3 months later
      • [deleted]

      I think it does not work even with Google Lens

      My pixel 5 had the cool "bump on back" to set to open a specitic app, take a photo or whatnot. Used it to open a heavely used app. Would be cool to have on GOS as well

        10 days later

        treequell I found that Google Lens requires the Google App which I didn't prefer. Is this what you found too?

        Yeah, my 7 Pro also had that before I installed GrapheneOS. I would really like that to be implemented in GrapheneOS as well. I only used it to bring down the notification bar/settings. This is veeery convenient since the phone is a bit too big for one-hand use. Had this also on my Galaxy Note9, which was very practical (but then built into the fingerprint reader on the back, which I would like to see a comeback on new phones).

        There's an app on github/f-droid called 'Tap tap' which brings back the tap on back function.
        (it has double and triple tap).

        • [deleted]

        Thank youn a lot @OrangeMoose
        But the app asks for accessibility services (which ist problematic) and the activation is restricted. "Setting restricted. For your security, this setting is currently unavailable"
        Wtf ?

          I also saw this for the 'double tap to sleep’ option in some launcher apps. In Lawnchair 2 it works, in Neolauncher it doesn’t.

          On the same subject:
          I remember seeing in video reviews of the pixel 6/6a models that one of the features of the phone was that when the power button was pressed, the screen would turn on an off using a circular animation that faded in and out from the power button. I don't see this happening on my pixel 6a with GOS on it. Whatever happened to this?

          Was this an android 13 feature? or was it a pixel feature?

          [deleted] You can turn that off; Settings > Apps then click on Taptap to open the app info.
          then go to permissions and click on the three dots. Now you can grant the app access to the Restricted Settings.