
  • Mar 15, 2023
  • Joined Jan 31, 2023
  • Select text via screenshot/Recent Apps view
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    • Dont use gmail, use simplelogin if you want to have email aliases, proton mail for better privacy

    • Resurr Thanks, the ease of use in Twitter and Youtube prevents me from using any foss. Newpipe has this weird list view, Libretube is better for privacy then newpipe but it is sometimes slow (seems fast after the newest update), video thumbnails is low quality, weird "Libretube" font, many features which I use in Youtube are now missing. I hate Facebook and Messenger to death but I need that for college. Will try messenger on the browser, but I often clear all data after each session so I dont know if that is even possible. From what I know, there is no "add exception" on mobile

      • I basically need Facebook messenger, twitter, youtube and Apple music. Can't get rig of those, sadly. My question is should google sanbox services provide me with extra privacy in this case? Is the point of GrapheneOS relevant when I log in to just a single account. From my understanding, they can still track and collect data if you log in right?

        • User2288
          I'm kinda a noob too but my experience is very different. Most apps I use all have GUI, for example proton vpn on Linux. However, most Linux admins I know prefer command lines more than GUI (they said its faster and more convenient) but only on the servers side

          • L8437 technically they could, tho I have not seen or heard any

            • User2288 I don't really understand how much of Linux "enhancing" do you need. Fedora already has really good practice already, privacy and security at best. Are we talking about extreme situations when @[deleted] got his devices stolen or if he is under thread here? or just a normal user wanting to enhance privacy and security?

              I feel like the poster should provide his "threat model" for the users here to better their recommendations.

              Also I find weird that you found "contradicting arguments" about Windows or Fedora Linux, I thought the general knowledge is distro like Fedora and Opensuse or NixOS are 3 solid options for privacy and security. However, Windows is generally better than Linux at security, so for a hacker, it is generally easier to bypass Linux security. Of course, I put emphasis on "generally" because Linux has tons of distros. Whonix and Tails, for example, are anonymity-focused distributions, while Qubes OS is security-focused. They are undeniably the best operating systems if you want "the best" privacy and security out there, but at what cost? These distributions are usually for a very specific group of people (government agents, journalists, people targeted by hackers...)

              • Newbie here, we definitely need a list of exclusives that are working or non working. BTW, does text and image extraction from recent menu working?