I've used Grapheme before and enjoyed it however I noticed it didn't support the material you theme at that time. Has that changed before I jump the ship again?
I've used Grapheme before and enjoyed it however I noticed it didn't support the material you theme at that time. Has that changed before I jump the ship again?
The theming engine ("Monet") you're referring to was introduced in AOSP 12.1, which GrapheneOS has been using for a few months. You can enable it in "Wallpaper & style" by toggling "Use wallpaper colors".
Wonderfall Thank you for the great response!
One more question if you may have time or knowledge on. Does it have a built in Firewall or does simply removing network access through the app take care of that?
Thanks again!
MoldyTaint Revoking the Network permission is enough, and it is a much more robust solution than a "firewall" app, which tend to be leaky.