I apologize if this is a noob question.

I'm a fairly new user of GOS. I have a question about installing Orbot on my GOS phone.

I cannot seem to see Orbot on F-Droid. The official GuardianProject website has an F-droid link on the Orbot page, but it leads to a 404 error page. The .apk file can be downloaded from the official website's releases page, and presumably I'd be able to install the app on the phone this way, but I suspect I wouldn't get the updates and would have to periodically check the website to see if any updated release has been published.

Have I missed something because I'm new to this? How do I go about installing Orbot on my phone and be able to get updates like when installing an app from F-droid or Neo Store?

    nosferatu Open F-Droid, hit the SETTINGS button, then REPOSITORIES (second from the top of screen), then switch ON the "Guardian Project Official Releases" repository.

      abcZ Thank you so much for this helpful advice. Can you tell me, though - what to do if I don't have the exact option you mention (Guardian Project Official Releases)? I have two Guardian Project options there:

      • Guardian Project Archive
      • Guardian Project

      Those are the two options I see there. Which one is the one I need to turn ON?

        nosferatu you can avoid F-Droid altogether as I do and update Orbot via their GitHub page:


        You can add the following link to an RSS or feed reader app of your choice to be notified of updates:


        You can also utilise the GitHub page using this app: https://github.com/ImranR98/Obtainium/blob/main/README.md

        If you still prefer F-Droid then Guardian Project not the archive one is the repo you need to use.

        nosferatu Probably just a different version of something. Pick the one without the "Archive".