I know that there is no possibility to "install available apps" I downloaded in a user profile in owner profile for now.

I like to use GStore to download and install my apps but don't want GPS and Framework to run on my "daily"-profile. So for now I install apps in owner and clone to user profile.
I wonder if I have the chance to archieve the same using owner as my "daily" profile and drop that inconvenient profile usage since I experienced multiple annoying bugs (from AOSP) like widgets disappearing after reboot etc.
Is there, at least technically, the possibility to clone apps from user to owner?


    4 days later

    Thank you.

    I don't remember exactly but I think I read somewhere that using adb can be a security issue.

    Anyway, that approach does not seem very convenient to use on a regular basis.

    Is there a chance of having such a feature implemented for "anyone"?

    You can use Aurora store to download any app found in the Google Play store.