I have two users on current P7: Owner and Frequent.

  • Phone works fine in both Owner and Frequent.
  • Phone app is configured for visual voicemail in owner and seems to work well.
  • However, Frequent user does not allow the selection of voicemail. So I have to sign out of Frequent user and into Owner to check for voicemail.
  • Sorry if this is an old topic; I looked and couldn't find it.
    ????? TIA

Are any other P7 users successfully receiving voicemail (visual voicemail) in secondary users?


    Hi there, could you check something for me please?

    In your owner profile, open Settings > System > Multiple users, and tap the Frequent user.

    Have you turned on phone calls & SMS toggle there?

      Thank you for replying, treequell

      Yes, phone calls & SMS toggle has been toggled on. And phone calls and SMS works well for the frequent user; but frequent user does not have the Phone > 3 dots > Settings > Voicemail option (whereas owner does).

        newbie24689 I checked on my Pixel 7. I confirm I can also only see that menu on my owner profile and not on my secondary profiles.

        I'm not sure why that's the case. Hopefully somebody who knows will see this!

        I did follow the settings to turn on phone calls & SMS for my non-owner user profile so I learned something new. Don't see voicemail on that profile yet but might have someone call me later to test.

          Just tried, couldn't see a vmail reminder but could dial my vmail and retrieve vmail. Please note that on my P7, the visual voicemail won't register correctly so visual vmail doesn't work for me.

          2 years later

          I'm having the same issue.